1. The Fix Radio Show on August 7, 2023 at 12:16 am

    HEY STEPHEN HAWKINS- Thanks for the great words!! LOL Ever hear of bad publicity is better then no publicity.
    I am a lucky guy…you are correct. But don;t mistake the guy on the radio/screen for who I am in person. Thanks for listening. We all can’t be a great looking as you. ..Oh well. Stay tuned!!! More to come!

  2. Douglas Goddard on August 7, 2023 at 12:31 am

    LOL…can you say moron?

  3. THE HAWK on August 7, 2023 at 12:46 am

    You suck, USUALLY the phrase better seen and not heard would apply but you are loud ,obnoxious and lucky to have a radio program you should STAY on the radio and please don’t show yourself on YouTube OK ? You should Not use video media ever because you are unpleasant to the eyes and am certainly glad I am not close enough to smell you. Also the Bimbo should stay at home obviously she is a mall rat city slicker that has no business going out in the woods. Finally the few that lost their lives would have done it without their families being able to blame Mr. Fenn. People die it happens right? I am truly sorry for the lost lives. Consider this ~If someone got a coupon from a grocery store in the newspaper and walked to the store to use the coupon and was killed by a car why crossing the street because they weren’t PAYING ATTENTION while crossing said street is it the grocery store fault because they printed a coupon? Did anyone FORCE them to redeem it? Sad as it is when people die Forrest Fenn is NOT to blame so quit acting like it’s so dangerous to go on the chase because Mr. Fenn has said several times "don’t go anywhere an 80 year old man can’t go" it’s plain to see that people who are dead can be accounted for by natural causes if you are a person of a FAITH if you are not a Bible type. Than the only other answer is found in "0rigin of species" by Darwin. I am not trying to be a complete dick. However I am stating the facts in an analogy for most to understand, showing compassion for lost loved ones and taking the blame off Mr. Fenn. Before then and after that I am certainly being a dick. Now don’t you have something else to go do?P.S. Mr. Fenn is NOT a liar the treasure chest is real and if I am there and you are a ‘man’ don’t call him a liar in front of me because I might punch you in the nose and make you apologize to him AND make you thank him for all the good he has done for others AND for his military service AND for blaming him for people dying. What are you still doing reading this? Get lost go play inside a microwave or something will ya.

  4. The Forrest Fenn Treasure Fraud on August 7, 2023 at 1:00 am

    It’s back in his vault in New Mexico.

  5. Desertphile on August 7, 2023 at 1:01 am

    "Buried?" Says who?

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